Boulder Cup

Boulder Cup


This year we organize the Petzl Boulder Contest again.


Similar to the past years, the comptetition has 4 turns again, which are organized in our boulder room. The competitiors boulder in at most 20 persons group.

The climbers have 2 hours to solve the 25 boulder route. Every climber notice his own scores. The competition is organized in open categories. We are glad to welcome not only the professionals, but also the amateurs, who can learn a lot by climbing the routes.

We organize the turns on Sundays, and you can check the results the week forward on our homepage. Each award ceremony is going to be on the next turn of the contest.


We are warmly welcome everyone, who wants to show his boulder skills.


This year the dates of the turns are the followings:


I. turn 05/03/17

II. turn 23/04/17

III. turn 01/10/17

IV. turn 26/11/17


The schedule of the turns:


9:00 a.m. Opening

10:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m. I. group

12:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. II. group

2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. III. group

*4:45 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. IV. group

*7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. V. group


*We open the fourth and the fifth group, if the first three goups are loaded.




You can apply on our homepage below, or with the application form at Spider Club reception. On the application form you find the date of the turns. You can choose in which group you'd like to climb. You can choose from 3 times, because we open the 4. and 5. group later, it there are more participants. Don't forget to fill in your name and email address!

The registration fee has to be paid with cash or transferring to OTP Bank, Majdnem Spider Ltd. 11702081-20003809. Fill in the notice gap with your name and the date of the turn!

Registration is valid only with the filled application form and the paid registration fee.


Registrate at least 2 turns, and take one of the 80 pieces of Petzl Boulder T-shirt!


Registration fee:

Per turns: 3.500 Ft *

Pre-registration per turns: 2.500 Ft**

Apply all the 4 turns: 8.000 Ft ***


I. turn 05/03/17      Pre-registration deadline: 27/02/17

II. turn 23/04/17     Pre-registration deadline: 17/04/17

III. turn 01/10/17    Pre-registration deadline: 25/09/17

IV. turn 26/11/17    Pre-registration deadline: 20/11/17



*We can accept applying on the spot, if there is free space in the choosen group.

**The pre-registration fee have to be paid till deadline with cash of transferring.

***In case of pre-registration, you could change the group later. The discounted registration is non-transferable, and cannot be changed into any other service of the Spider Club.The deadline of the pre-registration is 05/03/16.


Alpinbike Airborne